Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Unlocking Shakespeare with BreakoutEDU

This week's blog post will actually feature Mrs. Amy Tonsoni and her experience with "Unlocking Shakespeare" with the BreakoutEDU boxes in her English 12 classes.  Enjoy the read and don't hesitate to try something new, just like Mrs. Tonsoni recommends below!

I was excited and nervous about having the seniors participate in a BreakoutEDU game.  I struggle with the unknown.  I struggle when I don't feel totally in control.  Often, using technology and trying new things makes me feel out of control.  This year, I saw something on Twitter that spoke to me and gave me strength.  I wish I remembered it verbatim because it was succinctly and eloquently stated, but the gist of it was...we teachers do not have to be tech experts. We just need to provide opportunities to our students and they will figure it out.  You may ask: What if they don't figure it out?  That has been a scary experience, too.  I have had to learn to say, "I don't know. Keep trying or ask a classmate." Think about how exciting that is.  I am out of the equation.  Students either have to have the grit to figure it out themselves, or another student is given the opportunity to be the teacher. THAT is a GOOD thing.

So - back to the BreakoutEDU experience.  It was fun!  I did not take the time to write a puzzle of my own.  I simply went online and found one that fit.  Shakespeare's birthday was coming up and another English teacher had developed a puzzle titled Unlocking Shakespeare.  Mr. Kline helped me get the boxes, locks, and clues set up.  We met a couple of days before to talk through the puzzle and ease my mind.  We scheduled a day that he could be in my room helping for this first attempt. It worked SO WELL.  Basically, I got them started and then just stood back and watched great things happen.  I watched my students COLLABORATE. I watched them THINK. I listened and was amazed at where their minds led them. I watched them having FUN. I watched them being ENGAGED while learning about Shakespeare - and remember, these were seniors and it was late April!  I am so glad that I took a leap of faith and tried BreakoutEDU.  I will definitely be doing it again.

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